Dragon's Dogma will be released on PS Vita


Dragon's Dogma will hit PS Vita in Japan. The game was released on the PS3 and it was a big hit, the game is a 3rd person adventure game but it will be different for the PS Vita System. The Ps Vita version will be an online only and a turn based RPG game. Most people in Japan loves turn based games so it might be a huge hit there, but I'm not sure if it will be a huge hit when it is released on other regions.

Dragons Dogma will be free to play and will feature over 150 classes, old enemies and new will make an appearance. Familiar characters, like Julian and Mercedes, will make their return, along with new characters named Lota and Olivia. Currently the game is set for a 2013 release in Japan however when asked about a US/EU release a Capcom representative replied with:
“At present Dragon’s Dogma Quest is only confirmed for release in Japan and we are currently evaluating ifthe title will be released in pan-western markets.”

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