Sony requires game developers for PS4 to support remote play on PS Vita

It seems that Sony requires that all PS4 games to support remote play on PS Vita except for those games which will support Playstation 4 camera, according to Digital Foundry's "trusted PlayStation 4 developer source with a proven track record."

If this is true, it is most likely that the PS Vita will have more sales which may also make the game developers more interested in the PS Vita, which means more games for the system. Many of the consumers were disappointed about the PS3 and PS Vita's remote play but it seems like the remote play is really intended for the PS4. This is a good plus with those who already have a PS Vita.

It looks like that this feature will be better than that of Wii U according to some. The PS Vita can't match the PS4 controller when in comes to button, but do you remember the accessory port which is not yet very clear to everyone what accessories support it? I think that will be very useful for the remote play functionality.

Ok enough of that, let's just talk a bit about how the remote play will work since the PS4 is a lot more powerful than the Vita. The service works by rendering the game as video and transmitting the images wirelessly over the users' local network (LAN) to the PS Vita in a fashion similar to cloud-powered game services. So it's just like watching the game on your vita's screen while the PS4 does all the job and at the same time using your PS Vita buttons to play the game. To make it simpler, your PS Vita will just be an alternative screen and controller so the game speed will not suffer.

Here is a video about sony revealing the remoteplay service:


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