PS4 PSN Capabilities and Supports used games!

Here are some of the capabilities that are announced at E3 that might interest all of you. SO without further ado, here it is:

  • GAIKA - Cloud service
    - Fast Gaming Network
    -Huge Game Library
    -Console Quality Games

  • Ability to Play Games that are being downloaded at the background

  • Cross Game voice chat

  • Transition to a friend's network based on "real world" friends

  • Share button to upload live video stream

  • PS plus - Old memberships will be carried over to PS4
    - Drive Club PS Plus Edition will be available on the release

  • PS4 won't require to check in on-line

  • PS4 Supports used games

There you go, so after all sony will not be requiring us to pay a fee for buying second hand or used games. I'm sure all of you are happy right now. Ill keep you all posted for some updates!

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