Game Boundz is in need of Authors

I am currently in need of authors for this blog. For those who love games and enjoy writing articles, this is for you.I can write articles alone, but it is better to have multiple authors who can contribute to this blog. I need to improve this blog's page rank quickly so it will be ready when the time comes that I implement my plans for this blog.

Here are some of my plans for this blog:
  • Switch the platform to wordpress (self hosted) and obtain a private domain name - my money will just go to waste if I buy a hosting plan and a domain name when my page rank is low (no visitors for the site).
  • Start  a community for gamers (Forum) - well no one will join our community if there are no visitors.

There are lots of competitor sites around the net so a team is way more better than being alone writing articles. That's why I need your help. Let us build this site and make a great community for us gamers.

Here are the rules an author must consider:
  1.  article must be in own words (don't copy/paste)
  2.  must have a minimum of 150 words
  3.  every article must have a picture in it
  4.  you must have a high level of english writing skills
  5.  must put a link back to where you have red the news

For those who are interested, please just leave a comment below with your contact info.

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