Diablo III to hit PS3, and Xbox 360 this sept. 3

I'm sure most of you already know that this game will be released to our favorite consoles, and I'm sure you're quite excited about it so let us discuss a little bit about this game.

Diablo III will hit PS3 and Xbox 360 this coming September 3, 2013 for $60. According to Activision, the console version of the game has been modified to match the controllers. This includes a brand new User Interface and an Intuitive control system. And unlike the PC version, the console version will not require a constant internet connection.

"In addition to the fine-tuning we've done for the console versions, we're also including major content and design updates we've made to the PC version over the past year, so players can expect an epic Diablo gaming experience when the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions launch in September," Blizzard Entertainment CEO Mike Morhaime said in a statement.


[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdVN-rH5y2g&w=560&h=315]

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